For me, a night out observing is a rewarding experience. There are number of things you can do to make the night a smooth enjoyable and productive experience. Here are some tips for before during and after your observing session.
Take a look at what stars, constellations, planets, and objects will be up during your excursion. There are a number of tools to accomplish this. You don't need to plan every object you will look for, but it helps to know what is going to be up there.
PlanispheresThe night sky has seasons. By this I mean that in the evening winter sky, the constellations Orion, Perseus, and Auriga are overhead. In the summer, stars of Cygnus, Aquila, and Lyra form the "Summer Triangle" overhead. A planisphere allows you to dial in the month and time to show only the constellations that are overhead at that time.
Star ChartsStar charts come in different shapes and sizes. There are fold out maps, bound books, laminated boxed sets, spiral bound.
BooksBooks are a good supplement for charts. Most often I use them before and after an observing session to learn more about what I observe. How far away is M13, how big is it, how old is it...
On-line resourcesThere are a number of on-line observing resources including on-line versions of star charts, planispheres, satellite predictions,
Astronomical Software 
MagazinesSky and Telescopes "Sky at a glance"
Equipment - There are a few things you can bring along to make your session more enjoyable.
A Red FlashlightRed LED lights are useful for looking at star charts of finding eyepieces. They are available at any store or web site that sells astronomical equipment. Red light will not cause your pupils to close whereas white light will. It can take up 10 min or more to restore your "night vision".
ChairsI usually bring 2 chairs. An adjustable height chair for observing and a folding chair for relaxing..
TableA portable table to hold your equipment and charts is essential. There are several models available.
Eyepiece CaseThere are also commercially available eyepiece cases.
Dew Prevention 
A Tarp or Rug.If you will be observing in a field, a cloth tarp or rug is helpful for when you drop something or to keep bugs away.
SnacksSnacks and Coffee. Sometimes a thermos of soup hits the spot. Remember though, if you are in an area where bears are known to be about keep food in sealed containers, and don't bring nuts or fish. Bears have sensitive noses and will find food wherever you try to hide it. Never, never, don't ever store food in your tent!!!