Hosting Organization
Northern Virgina Astronomy Club
Northern Virgina Astronomy Club Star Gaze

Activities during Star Gaze will include a telescope meet and greet, solar observing, a guided sky tour, night sky observing, and other demonstrations.

Feel free to walk around and enjoy the views of objects through a variety of telescopes on the field. Please ask the owner before using a telescope. If you have young children, please watch them around expensive astronomical equipment. Remember, telescope mirrors are sensitive to cigarette smoke and bug spray. Pets should also not be brought onto the observing field.

No astronomy experience or equipment is necessary to attend. If you have your own equipment, feel free to bring them along, even if it’s just a pair of binoculars.


Start Date
Last Date

C.M. Crockett Park
10066 Rogues Road
Midland, VA 22728
United States

Submitted by Abontu on